Photoworkshop with Jan Cadosch

Price from
CHF 120.00

Our Bike Kingdom photographer, Jan Cadosch shares his knowledge. Yes, and he knows a lot because not for nothing his picture in 2020 was chosen by Pink Bike as the photo of the year and he is officially UCI MTB World Cup photographer. During one evening you are together with Jan Cadosch in the Bike Kingdom Park. He will give you tips on how to get the perfekt shots of your bike buddies. Later, in the area, you will learn the most important points of image processing to give the pictures the final touch.

Own camera (no phone photos will be taken) backpack for equipment, at most laptop for image processing, bike equipment

5.00 pm meeting point at the zBar, 5.00 till 8.00 pm shooting/workshop at Bike Kingdom Park, from 8.00 pm photo editing at Revier

4 hours for CHF 120.00

Any liability for camera equipment is excluded

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