
Price from
CHF 0.00

The Arosa Festival Choir sings "Annelies" by James Whitbourn.

Price for adults: CHF 20.00
Price for youths, students and members of Arosa Kultur: CHF 15.00
Children up to 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free of charge.

The booking confirmation is valid as an admission ticket and must be presented at the concert box office.

An introduction to the work will take place at 4.15 pm in the Protestant parish hall.

Venue: Protestant village church
Door opening: 4.30 pm
Start: 5 pm
Duration: 70 minutes

The concert takes place in the protestant village church

Tickets can also be purchased at the Arosa Tourism guest information desk or at the concert box office.
Info at www.arosakultur.ch.

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