Levin`s Kosher Metropol Arosa

Levin`s Kosher Metropol Arosa



Hotel Metropol
Beinas Levin
Aeussere Poststrasse
7050 Arosa
Tel. +41 81 378 81 81

The newly renovated Hotel METROPOL is situated in a secluded spot in the very center of Arosa and from your nice and comfortable room you can see one of the most beautiful Swiss vistas of mountain scenery and overlook the picturesque lake just below the hotel. Enjoy a panorama of the fascination fairy tale world made of rock and ice bewitched with sun and snow, as well as a breathtaking view of the valley and enthralling outlooks on the surrounding ice giants.

Our hotel is kosher lemehadrin under hashgacha from Maran Admor mi Biala Shlita (Lugano - Jerusalem).