St. Peter-Molinis, Pagig & Tschiertschen

Characterized by natural forces and political power struggle

„Fürcht nicht die Welt - greif tapfer an“ („Do not fear the world – persue bravely“) it is unclear whether the old saying on the train station building of St.Peter – Molinis was a result of the many natural forces which the village Molinis had to struggle with or if it was the result of the political conflicts which were carried out on the square in front of the church. In any case both villages can tell a lot of stories about politics and nature.

St. Peter Pagig & Molinis

The village with the double name is spread over different hamlets. The hamlet Fatschél lies above the villages of St.Peter and Pagig. It was a former Maiensäss which has now year-round residents. With the chair lift to the ski area Hochwang it has become an important starting point for winter sports people and summer hikers. There is a village shop including a post office in the centre right along the cantonal street in St.Peter. On your way to Pagig you pass the organic garden of Schanfigg with a direct sales point every Friday afternoon. Stroll through the garden and pick your favourite vegetables.

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In the old days Molinis was called „the Garden of Schanfigg“. Farmland and blossoming fruit trees embellished the place. Today, Molinis cultivates pome and stone fruits under the label Pro Species Rara. The village with its tanned wooden houses was able to keep its charme and is now a crossing point for hikers going from Litzirüti to Tschiertschen and St.Peter. During the summer season the welcoming barbecue areas along the Plessur river invite to stay and grill some sausages. Should you be surprised by summer rain  or a winter storm, simply stop for a bite to eat at the Postbeizli in the centre of the village. The nostalgic post bus runs throughout the summer months.

Aktives Molinis
Biogarten Schanfigg Arosa | © Arosa Tourismus

Biogarten Schanfigg (organic garden)

The "Biogarten Schanfigg" is located at the entrance to the village of Pagig. In the interplay of alternative agriculture, gastronomy and tourism, a colourful garden with all kinds of products in organic quality has been created here in recent years. Guided tours of the organic garden take place every summer, highlighting the importance and challenges of this project. In addition, fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers and many other harvests from the organic garden can always be bought at the market table. It doesn't get any more local and fresh than this!

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„Bsatzig“ im Schanfigg

From 1851 until the beginning of the 21st century St.Peter was the host of the rural community or „Bsatzig“ of the Schanfigg district. The district court, the district president (Landamann) and the grand council were elected during 2 to 3-hour election meetings outdoors. After a parade with pennant and flag bearers walking upfront, the protestant priest proclaimed the „Bsatzigpredigt“ (sermon). Only after the sermon was held, negotiation talks and elections started. Following the official part of the event, a big 2-day festival took place in St.Peter. Dance floors were set out behind the church and everyone brought food and drinks. This was the biggest celebration of the whole Schanfigg valley – days of happiness and conviviality where people could forget the burden of everyday life.
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Church St.Peter

The Church of St. Peter with its big bell tower was officially mentioned for the first time in 831. For many centuries it was the main church of the valley. A cultural treasure is revealed in the inside of the church with a tabernacle wall from the year 1500 and exuberant murals. The high medieval tower with its embrasures from the 11th or the 12th century had probably first served as a watchtower.
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Church Molinis

The residents of Molinis always had to struggle with the force of nature. The biggest catastrophe desolated the village in 1980. 30,000 m3 debris and mud flooded the river „Telf“ from the Fatschazertobel and destroyed two thirds of the village. Within an hour Molinis was covered in a mix of debris, mud and wood all the way up to the first floor of the houses. The church was rebuilt after the disaster hit the village. Today, a mark at the church shows the height of the mud slide in 1980.
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Historic Weir Pradapunt

In Molinis hydropower has always been a source of energy to saw wood, to grind the grain, to turn wheels and to produce energy. These places of hydropower are significant proof of the history of technology; including the weir Pradapunt below Molinis. It serves as a water catchment for the power plant Lüen. The water flows through a tunnel into the surge tank in Lüen and then via two pressure pipes to the main distribution point in Lüen.
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Earth Pyramids

The earth pyramids in Molinis, at the so called Runserrüfi, are a natural phenomenon. The prerequisites for the development of earth pyramids are heavy rainfalls and erosions which then over many years form columnar structures. Some of the earth pyramids are covered by capstones and are therefore not eroded as quickly as others. More well-kept earth pyramids can also be found at the Gründjitobel in Langwies.