Run for Bears 

Date for 2025 to follow

Charity run for the Arosa Bear Sanctuary

With the Arosa Bärenland charity run, young and old celebrate an unforgettable community experience in aid of animal welfare. Combined with an entertaining range of activities for adults and children (including a children's run) and an exciting side program, all participants make a simple and effective commitment to animal welfare.

The charity run in aid of the Arosa Bear Sanctuary is a great experience for everyone.

About the Run for Bears

The Run for Bears - charity run for the Arosa Bear Sanctuary combines two aims: to motivate people to exercise more and at the same time raise funds for the Arosa Bear Sanctuary.

The charity run offers a simple and effective way to support animal welfare. The amount donated helps to rescue animals in need and give them a new home and new freedom in Arosa. 

After the start, participants will have the opportunity to visit Bear Sanctuary free of charge and find out about the background, vision and guiding principles of Arosa Bear Country. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour of Bear Country at 1.30 pm.


Participation charity run

Anyone can take part at the Arosa Bear Sanctuary charity run! Big and small, young and old, fast and leisurely, local and visiting, diverse and straight, abled and disabled. It's not about top performance, but about togetherness. 

The charity run is aimed at people aged 10 and over. For all children (from the age of 3) who are keen to run and take part, there is the children's run.


from 9 a.m.: start number distribution at Obersee

  • 11 am: Start of all routes at Obersee
  • 11.10 am: Departure shuttle Prätschli (for runners of the short distance)
  • 11.15 am: Free children's tour of Bärenland for all participants in the Bear Run
  • 12 noon: Start of the children's run at the Bermuda Triangle (close to Bärenland and the middle station)
  • 1.30 pm: Free guided tour of Bärenland
  • Throughout: Festival area around the Arosa Bear Sanctuary, food & drink offers, music, children's program
  • Register
  • Choose the form of donation (amount per kilometer or fixed amount)
  • Find private sponsors or companies to “boost” the run
  • Run 
  • Pay the promised donation (invoicing is done by Arosa Bärenland)

As a runner, money is collected for the Arosa Bear Sanctuary with the help of personal sponsors. The sponsors support the runner with a contribution per kilometer run or with a fixed amount. The aim is to win over as many friends, neighbors, relatives, work colleagues or companies as possible.

As a company, you can sponsor your own employees. You can support them with an amount per kilometer run, define a cost ceiling or donate a fixed amount as a company - get involved together and experience a great company event while jogging! If it is not possible for the company to make a financial commitment, the employees simply take part as a running team and the financial commitment is made exclusively through the runners' private sponsors.

As a club or school class, the members / students run as a “team”. The club / school can support the runners with an amount per kilometer run, define a cost ceiling or donate a fixed amount; if it is not possible for the club / school to make a financial commitment, you simply run as a team and the financial commitment is made exclusively through the private sponsors.

Afterwards, all kilometers run will be evaluated. The participants will receive an invoice with the predetermined/specified donation amount/amount X according to the kilometers run (calculated). The donations are collected and officially handed over to Arosa Bärenland.

The start area is at the Obersee in Arosa. The finish is at the top in Bärenland. 

For all those who want to run shorter or cannot run as long, there is another start at Prätschli. There is a shuttle service from Obersee to Prätschli.

The exact route can be found below.


The event area is located around and in the Arosa Bear Sanctuary. The start area is close to the Arosa Weisshorn gondola, which connects the event area with the Arosa Bear Sanctuary.


  • Various food and drink stands
  • (DJ/live) music
  • Hands-on activities (selfie campaign for social media)
  • Regional market stands
  • Visit from mascot Jöri
  • Start and finish area with Arosa archway
  • Bear Sanctuary merchandising sale
  • Four Paws stand



  • Zwischen 10 und 11 Uhr können an der Weisshorn Talstation bei der Warenannahme die Läufer:innen ihre Taschen abgeben. Diese werden dann hoch ins Ziel zur Mittelstation gebracht. 


  • Alle Läuferinnen und Läufer erhalten ein Gratis Ticket für die Bergbahnen, um von der Weisshorn Mittelstation/Arosa Bärenland wieder an den Obersee zu gelangen. Dieses erhalten sie im Ziel.
  • Begleitpersonen erhalten das Bergbahnticket zu einem Spezialpreis von CHF 5 (Mitte einfach) bzw. CHF 8 (Mitte retour) gegen vorzeigen ihres Bändels (Erhältlich bei der Startnummernausgabe).

Arosa Bärenland: 

  • Der Eintritt ins Arosa Bärenland ist für alle Teilnehmer:innen sowie Begeleitpersonen vom Arosa Spendenlauf gratis bei vorzeigen ihres Bändels.


  • Die Wetterankündigung für Sonntag ist unbeständig, aber wir sind optimistisch, dass zum Start die Sonne hervorkommt. Dennoch bitte entsprechend dem Wetter kleiden! Gerne auch Wechselklamotten für das Ziel einpacken und beim   Effektentransport abgeben.


  • Im Ziel wird es eine kleine Zielverpflegung geben (Äpfel, Bananen, Riegel von Peak Punk und Wasser). Warme Getränke und warmes Essen gibt es in der Brüggerstuba nebenan.



  • Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir eine originale ORIS-Uhr an euch verlosen dürfen.
  • Dafür einfach im Ziel die Startnummer auf eine der Tombola-Karten schreiben und einwerfen. Und hoffen, dass um 13 Uhr die eigene Nummer gezogen wird. Das Beste, das Modell der Uhr darf sogar selbst ausgesucht werden. Wenn das nicht mal ein Grund ist, sich auch noch anzumelden😉
  • Zudem gibt es noch einen coolen Oris Bear Fotopoint.



  • Zug: Mit dem Zug R16 von Chur nach Arosa. Angekommen befindet sich in 200 Metern Fussweg das Startgelände
  • Auto: Parkmöglichkeiten gibt es begrenzt vor Ort auf dem Parkplatz am Obersee. Alternativ ist das Parkhaus Ochsenbühl in Laufnähe.

The course


Kids race

The Bärenstarke children's run takes place at the Bermuda corner, which is located in the immediate area of the Arosa Bear Sanctuary and the Weisshorn middle station.

Here there is an obstacle course which the children have to complete and where they need bear strength. 

Before the start, all the children visit Arosa Bärenland together and then go to the start together. 

How the Bärenstarke children's run works:

In advance, the participating children look for sponsors (parents, grandparents etc., donate a certain amount. A donation slip is distributed, on which the amount is then entered.

The mascot Jöri also takes part and welcomes the children at the finish line.

Kids Trail

For children aged 10 - 16 (see below).

The route for the Bärenstarken children's run is located at the top of the Bermuda corner (in the direct area of the bear sanctuary and the Weisshorn middle station.

meimo-herbst-2019.JPG | © Stiftung Arosa Bären / VIER PFOTEN

About the arosa bear sanctuary

The Arosa Bear Sanctuary is an experience for young and old. Here, bears rescued from poor living conditions are given a species-appropriate home. Bears that previously had to live in a tiny, dirty cage are rescued by FOUR PAWS from this miserable situation and brought to Arosa.

In the middle of the natural mountain landscape with pastures, bushes, rocks, streams and forest, the bears can learn their natural behavior. And visitors can watch them do so.

During a visit to the bear platform at over 2,000 m above sea level, guests learn about the bears' stories and many other exciting bear facts.

The adventure trail, the bear mini-golf, the adventure playground at the middle station, the Weisshorn bear and the Bärenland adventure trail are further attractions.

More about the Arosa Bear Sanctuary



Marion Schmitz
Deputy Tourism Director / Head of Marketing, Communication & Products /
Arosa Tourismus
P +41 81 378 70 47
Anna Suchan
Marketing Manager
P +41 81 378 70 48

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