Ice Sports Hall

Where ice lovers can demonstrate their skills

Thanks to the Arosa Card,  ice sports hall is open to the public free of charge during certain time slots in the afternoon throughout the summer season. During winter season most of the ice sport activities take place at Ochsenbühl artificial ice rink.
Ice rink Arosa | © Arosa Tourismus / Nina Hardegger-Mattli

Current Ice Rink Booking Schedule

Please consult the ice rink booking schedule in order to find out whether the ice is free or used for a training session or an ice hockey match. The schedule lists the timings when the ice rink is open to the public.

Summer Season: 

  • Entry with valid Arosa Card
  • Ice skate rental per person CHF 7.00
  • Entry without Arosa Card CHF 7.00 for adults and CHF 4.00 for children
  • There is also 10-subscripton possible - CHF 70.00 for adults and CHF 40.00 for children

Further informationen und reservation requests: or T +41 81 378 70 36

EHC-Arosa.jpg | © Arosa Tourismus / Nina Hardegger-Mattli

Training Camps

The Ochsner Hockey Academy is a national training camp for players and kids of all age groups. Every year numerous high quality ice hockey camps are taking place in Arosa – mostly during the summer holidays.


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