Lenzerheide Marketing und Support AG

About us

The Lenzerheide holiday region is synonymous with a wide variety of holiday adventures and outdoor experiences. This holiday destination offers a comprehensive sport infrastructure and many creative events. Thanks to the ease and speed of access, the Lenzerheide holiday region is also the ideal destination for spontaneous outings to the Graubünden mountains.

As a destination marketing and management company, it is the objective of Lenzerheide Marketing und Support AG (LMS AG) to promote the highest standards of service in order to make your visit as pleasant as possible.

The Lenzerheide Marketing & Support AG (LMS AG) was founded in August of 2009.
The founding members «Lenzerheide Tourismus» and «Lenzerheide Bergbahnen AG» (LBB AG) established their new company on the mountain «Parpaner Rothorn». On the 1st of November 2009, the LMS AG started off as a innovative and unique business model in Switzerland.

Instead of having several different small marketing and tourism enterprises, the goal of the new organization was to bundle the marketing activities of the entire region from Malix to Brienz/Brienzauls. This Coordination would ensure a clear and strong position as a destination.The LMS AG was - and up to this day still is - the element that connected four municipalities, the LBB AG as well as numerous partners and local businesses. 

Reorganization May 2018
As the performance agreement with the LBB AG didn't get extended, the LMS AG faced a fundamental reorganization. LMS AG started to focus on marketing and communication efforts. Meanwhile, the service partners and local businesses developed and tended their respective products themselves. Due to an extension of several performance agreements the LMS AG will still act representing the entire holiday region.

During the past ten years, LMS AG professionalized their tourist offices in their respective locations and adapted them to the changing needs of their guests. Thanks to a good cooperation with their partners such as Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide, LBB AG, Swiss Snowsports School Lenzerheide, KafiKonsum Parpan and Kiosk Valbella a wide range of competent contact points are at the guests' disposal. 

Besides supporting their service partners through offering and actively exchanging competency, LMS AG connects the four municipalities of Vaz/Obervaz, Churwalden, Lantsch/Lenz and Albula (Brienz/Brienzauls). The main topics are tourism and business development. A recipe for success is and always has been the close and constructive cooperation within the destination. Together we can successfully take the Holiday Region Lenzerheide further.

Administrative board
Daniel Stiefel - Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nico Pesko - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Brigitte Küng - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Giancarlo Pallioppi
Karin Niederberger
Bruno Zenklusen
Felix Frei
Romano Paterlini

Managment board 
Philipp Vassalli – CEO
Marc Schlüssel – CMO
Bruno Fläcklin – Head of Destination Development

It is the objective of the Lenzerheide holiday region to be one of the top ten mountain destinations in Switzerland

As one of the most attractive holiday regions in Graubünden, Lenzerheide offers its guests: 

  • a wide variety of holiday adventures and outdoor experiences
  • a comprehensive sport infrastructure for professional training as well as for those who simply love being active
  • ease and speed of access, which makes Lenzerheide the ideal destination for spontaneous outings
  • many creative events in a pleasant atmosphere

As a marketing organisation, LMS AG helps the Lenzerheide holiday region to realise its vision. As a result, it is the mission of LMS AG to ... 

  • ... promote demand for the holiday regions of Lenzerheide and Arosa Lenzerheide,
  • ... position the providers with their products and services in the market,
  • ... act as an initiator in the further development of products and services and the promotion of the destination together with its partners,
  • ... inform guests about the diverse nature of the Lenzerheide holiday region and create tailor-made holiday experiences for them,
  • ... provide support and expertise in the communication of touristic events.

LMS AG focuses its proactive measures for marketing the Lenzerheide holiday region on four strategic business areas: Alpine snow sports, families, Nordic sports and biking

  • «Alpine snow sports» is the main business of the Lenzerheide holiday region. This business area is promoted in close cooperation with LBB AG as a central service provider and Arosa Tourism as a partner in the promotion of the Arosa Lenzerheide brand
  • «Families» represents the biggest guest segment for the Lenzerheide holiday region. Interesting family offers are launched and highlighted by communication measures in close cooperation with the service providers as product developers.
  • «Nordic sports» supplements Lenzerheide's main business in winter. Cross-country and biathlon products are actively marketed in close cooperation with the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide as the central service provider. The Biathlon Arena is responsible for product development.
  • Apart from hiking, «biking» is the biggest summer product of the Lenzerheide holiday region and ranks very well in comparison with its Swiss competitors. In terms of communication, Arosa Lenzerheide is to be positioned as a biking brand under the lead of LMS AG. The community concept and Bike Hotel cooperation programmes are actively promoted and suitable offers are developed. 

Regular events with a strong and cross-regional communication impact are organised to strengthen campaigns to promote the three sport business areas of Alpine snow sports, Nordic sports and biking. 

The main focus of the proactive measures of LMS AG for marketing the Lenzerheide holiday region is on the Swiss market. For marketing in other European countries and overseas markets, LMS AG relies on cooperation projects and alliances with LBB AG, the hotel industry, Graubünden Tourism and Switzerland Tourism.

The marketing strategy of LMS AG is based on and supports the destination development strategy. This allows LMS AG to incorporate the constantly changing framework conditions and needs of the service providers of the Lenzerheide holiday region in its marketing activities. 

  • This destination plan provides an overview of the projects currently discussed and the jointly defined strategies of the Lenzerheide destination.
  • The plan serves to ensure that these projects are examined and implemented step by step over the next 5 to 10 years.
  • The plan also shows the strategies and considerations with which Destination Lenzerheide wants to move into the future and the goals to which all stakeholders (municipalities, tourism organization, service providers) want to and should align themselves to be able to pull together.
  • The plan includes a variety of projects that require investments. The release of these funds is done on a project-by-project basis at the time of implementation and depends in each case on the availability of corresponding funds and the approval of the financing parties.
  • The progress of project development is continuously reviewed under the leadership of the LMS and evaluated with the municipalities and service providers.

We are pleased with praise, criticism takes us further.

Ferienregion Lenzerheide | © Ferienregion Lenzerheide
Lenzerheide Marketing und Support AG
Voa Principala 80
7078 Lenzerheide
P +41 81 385 57 00