Trail running in Lenzerheide

Run free – all the way up to the mountain peaks

Just you and nature in Graubünden. Run as far as your feet will take you and breathe fresh mountain air. That's why you're a trail runner. And that's why you'll be happy here in Lenzerheide. You'll find trails from flat to hilly and alpine – across meadows, through forests, over bridges and streams, past mountain lakes and up to the peaks. Go out and run free – in Lenzerheide.
Trailrunning in Lenzerheide im Herbst in den Bündner Bergen. | © Johannes Fredheim

What is trail running?

As a trail runner, you prefer to run over hill and dale. Or meadows and fields, sometimes even through forests. You don't really need mountains for that, trail running is not mountain running. You can live out your passion anywhere. The main thing is that your feet feel the natural ground. The most important thing is exercise, health, nature and the running experience. Walking in between is also okay – after all, it's your path.

Good to know

Before you start running – tips and tricks. Trail running equipment for technique and tour planning.

Trail Running Lenzerheide Equipment | © Ferienregion Lenzerheide

The right equipment

With the right equipment, you can spend a whole day trail running. Most of the equipment you will most likely already have.

  • Trail running shoes - running shoes with a good profile
  • Functional clothing
  • Sun protection
  • Running backpack with food
  • Rain or wind jacket just in case
  • Optional: Trail running poles
Trail Running Lenzerheide Balance | © Ferienregion Lenzerheide

Tips and tricks

Trail running can be made easier with certain tips and tricks.

  • Successful mountain running is a question of technique. Attend a course and practise on easy terrain.
  • Plan your tour and prepare the necessary equipment. Consider alternative routes.
  • Include mountain railway ascents or descents in your tour planning and save yourself metres in altitude and/or depth.
  • Just start.
  • Remember: the journey is the destination and the experience is the focus.

Trail running tours in Lenzerheide

Choose one of our selected trail running tours for your individual trail running experience.

Trail running events

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FHGr Trail Run Lenzerheide | © Verein Trailrunning Chur
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