Dozentenkonzert der arosa music academy II

MKW-Kurspräsentationen MKW-Kurspräsentationen
Performed by the teachers of the arosa music academy II (strings)
Price for adults: CHF 20.00
Price for young people, students and members of Arosa Kultur: CHF 15.00
Children up to the age of 12 accompanied by an adult are admitted free of charge.

The booking confirmation is valid as an admission ticket and must be presented at the box office.
Venue: not yet finalised
Door opening: 4.30 pm
Start: 5 pm
Duration: 70 minutes

Information at
Jetzt buchen
22 September 2024
17:00 o'clock
1 Day

Arosa Kultur
7050 Arosa
Phone +41 81 353 87 47
Sonnenaufgang Arosa Weisshorn | © Arosa Tourismus

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