Fascinating light art in the Magic Forest

27 November 2018
The Lenzerheide Magic Forest is inviting visitors to marvel at, discover and experience more than a dozen enchanting light installations from 14 to 30 December 2018. The forest and nature itself served as special inspiration for many of the artists.
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In mid-December, a dozen light installations will bring to life a very special world of experience in Lenzerheide. While light art aroused little attention at the premiere of the Magic Forest in 2013, at least in Switzerland, this field has since developed rapidly. New technologies constantly pave the way for innovative visualisation and exciting options for interaction. «The combination of light art, music and culinary delights at this unique location in the heart of the Graubünden mountains makes the Lenzerheide Magic Forest an outstanding platform», says Primo Berera, artistic director of the Lenzerheide Magic Forest. The forest not only serves as stage for the artists, but also as inspiration. This year, several of the installations consciously engage in an intensive «exploration of nature» in the Magic Forest. 

Forest and nature as central topic
Aided by the interactive fly agaric toadstool, visitors to the «Glückspilze» (interactive mushrooms) installation by the Graubünden artists Roman Wilhelm and Moritz Vieli can conduct an orchestra of singing trees. As in nature, the trees all look different and each has their own spirit and unique voice. But together, they create a fascinating symphony of sound and light. On a small knoll a little deeper into the forest, a lively and harmonious diorama awaits visitors to the Magic Forest. Yves Kuperberg not only used the forest as canvas for his micromapping, but also brought its inhabitants to life with his refined and detailed projections. 

The installation of Ursina Wirz is dedicated to a very special forest dweller. The Magic Forest is home to countless squirrels, who neglected to store their food for winter during the warm summer months. With the help of the visitors, their provisions should be restocked during the Magic Forest to end with a fluorescent work of art consisting of squirrels, nuts, berries and mushrooms. 

Lighthouse of Wishes
The «Lighthouse of Wishes» is very close to the heart of Primo Berera and the whole organising committee. This light installation was created in cooperation with the «DENK AN MICH» Foundation and the artist Mika Schell. For 50 years, the Foundation has been helping disabled people to overcome hurdles and enjoy vacations and leisure activities, thereby giving them experiences and happiness beyond the daily routine. «With the six-metrehigh lighthouse in the centre of the Magic Forest, we're sending out the wishes of the Magic Forest visitors into the night», explains Primo Berera. The DENK AN MICH Foundation can be supported with a donation made at the lighthouse.

Surprisingly versatile light art
A look at the short history of the Magic Forest shows just how versatile light art can be. The artists create their own individual worlds with their installations, even though the topics may overlap to some extent. It therefore does not come as a surprise that Primo Berera is once again overwhelmed by the exciting and diverse mix of light installations this year: «Visitors will be enchanted by different and unexpected installations in all corners of the Squirrel Forest.»

The new artist collective NOA (no ordinary art) serves as curator for the first time. «All of us work very closely at the interface of art, innovation and technology and foster a wide network of talented artists. This made it possible for us to present very versatile and exceptional light installations this year», says a delighted Primo Berera, who is also a member of the artist collective. 

New path lighting and playground features
The three initiators and the organising committee have continued to develop the Magic Forest over the past few years. «As sustainability is very important to us, we've been using green electricity provided by ewz for all our energy needs from the outset», explains Giancarlo Pallioppi, OC chairman. They also consciously focus on small details, such as this year's upgrading of the path lighting in the Magic Forest. Jan Raphael Knieza of Artificial Owl is working on 60 exclusive geometric light sculptures for the Lenzerheide Magic Forest. These sculptures consist of 24 panels each and are put together by hand and impress audiences with a special shadow image, both during the day and at night. «Like many other light installations, visitors can buy these fractal light models with the agreement of the artist, thus taking a slice of the Magic Forest home with them», says the OC chairman.

The radiant children's playground in the market village has also been expanded. An interactive wall helps visitors of all ages to effectively visualise the impact of practical action and inadvertent interaction on our environment. In addition to the numerous light installations, the bizarre creatures of Company MAFALDA make for an eerily wonderful atmosphere and mysterious events in the Magic Forest. The dance performances are held on Fridays and Saturdays. 

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