Tracks Planoiras

Planoiras 25 kilometres | Planoirino 13.5 kilometres

The track of the Planoiras is 25 kilometres long and leads from the Roland Arena in Lantsch/Lenz via Lenzerheide and Valbella to Parpan. The way back is again via Valbella to Luziuswiese in Lenzerheide, where the finish is in the immediate vicinity of the school building, where the race office is located and where belongings can be picked up once more.

The Planoirino (13.5 km) also starts at the Roland Arena and leads via Lenzerheide to Valbella Canols. The finish is also on the Luziuswiese in Lenzerheide, in the immediate vicinity of the school building, where the race office, the effects depot and the subsequent pasta party are located.

Everything you need to know about Planoiras