19 September 2019

AUCH HIER IST WELT - er qua e mond

Old News

The first Obervaz Cultural Days will take place from 11 to 13 October 2019. Organized and planned by the association Kultur am Pass, held in the three beautiful villages of Lain, Muldain and Zorten in Vaz.

In 1456, Vaz/Obervaz was able to buy its way out of free rule and became an independent municipality. This municipality developed into a well-known holiday resort in the Grisons mountains. Today, however, hardly anyone talks about the fact that the origin of this tourist resort can be attributed to three simple and beautifully situated farming villages. For this reason Annina Giovanoli and Donat Rischatsch - both grown up in the municipality of Obervaz, both moved away in the meantime - joined forces. Together they initiate the first Obervaz Cultural Days: AUCH HIER IST IST WELT - er qua e mond.

Cultural experience under the sign of emigrants
It is to be a festival of Obervaz culture that transcends art genres, languages and generations. The motto of the festival is Obervazerinnen and Obervazer, who left their homeland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to find happiness abroad. A cultural experience, integrated into the alpine mountain world, combined with the wanderlust of the emigrants of that time. Some found their fortune, some came back poor. Readings, concerts, exhibitions, theatre and village tours are held at various locations in the three villages of Lain, Muldain and Zorten and are directly related to the history of emigration. The visitor circulates in the villages, stops here and there and meets again in the specially built cultural stains. These present the regional cuisine authentically, in close cooperation with graubündenVIVA.

In old stables, churches, parlours, in the museum, in the multi-purpose hall, on the street, in the countryside and in squares you will find names such as Corin Curschellas, René Schnoz, Felicitas Heyerick, Jolanda Maria Casutt, Chiara Jacomet, Larissa Cathomen, Caroline Capiaghi, Elisabeth Sulser, Mario Giovanoli, Adelina Filli, Astrid Alexandre, Ursina Giger, Linard Candreia, Peter and Josias Just, Bruno Hächler, the Bündner Jugendchor, Marcel Frischknecht, the music group Techtelmechtel, Luzi Bergamin, Toni Parpan, the Tanz Theater Pasion, Anna Cathomas and many more. Donat Rischatsch, author of the book of the same name by «AUCH HIER IST WELT», supports the event with his historical knowledge and works closely with the artistic director Annina Giovanoli. The Obervazer culture days are to become supraregional well-known and attract visitors from whole Switzerland. It should be an interactive cultural experience in the middle of the mountains, with a motivated and mixed audience. The beautiful programme children and families will be able to experience just as individual culture lovers. The Romansh language is an integral part of the programme with the aim of making the history of the ancestors in the Vaz/Obervaz region tangible.

In partnership with graubündenVIVA, culinary delights will become a cultural experience during the days and littering will remain a foreign word. A centrally and comfortably furnished gastronomic experience in all three villages offers local food. The farmer's wife can be watched baking bread over her shoulder, the confectioner and cook can look into the pots and the winemaker's hand can be shaken.

The programme at a glance
The opening credits for «AUCH HIER IST WELT – er qua e mond» will take place on Wednesday, 9 October 2019 at 8.30 pm at the Hotel Schweizerhof in Lenzerheide with the beautiful programme item «Menschen im Hotel» with the actress Annette Wunsch and the accordionist Goran Kovacevic. This programme item is a hint at the actual development at the beginning of the 19th century of the still fresh tourist destination with the new name Lenzerheide. The varied programme in the villages of Lain, Muldain and Zorten begins on Friday, 11 October 2019 with the highlight «Tavolata Avertura». Guests dine at the long white table combined with a carefully prepared evening programme on the emigration history of the Alpine population in the Romansh-speaking world. On Sunday, 13 October 2019, the cultural days will end with the performance of «Eine Träne blieb zurück» by Tanztheater Pasion. This is a delicacy par excellence, as two pairs of tango dancers travel from Argentina to Zorten for this performance. The patronage for «AUCH HIER IST WELT – er qua e mond» will be taken over by the political community of Vaz/Obervaz, which will also support the Cultural Days financially. The three-day cultural and culinary experience is organised by the KaP association (Kultur am Pass) and has a budget of around CHF 200'000.