2 November 2021

Swiss-Ski takes over Roland Arena

Old News

An important decision has been made in Swiss snow sports: Swiss-Ski will take over the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide AG from Michael Hartweg on 1 May 2022. After the takeover, the focus will be on the seamless continuation of the operational business as well as the development and organization of the upcoming major events. In the interest of continuity, the current main shareholder Michael Hartweg and the mayor of the municipality of Lantsch/Lenz will remain on the board of directors.

With the awarding of the 2025 Biathlon World Championships to Switzerland, the vision of one day hosting top-level biathlon competitions in the Roland Arena in Lantsch/Lenz became reality. One year after the World Championships were awarded and nine years after the founding of the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide AG (BAL), both Michael Hartweg and Swiss-Ski feel that the time has come to set a new course due to the recent positive developments and the additional challenges that come with them. Both parties are convinced that with the new ownership structure and Swiss-Ski as the new main shareholder, great potential will be released to strategically develop the up-and-coming sport of biathlon, to sustainably strengthen other snow sports of the association and to place the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide AG on a broader economic foundation.

Until the takeover of the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide AG by Swiss-Ski at the beginning of May 2022, there is enough time to create the necessary structures together with Michael Hartweg, the arena team and all relevant stakeholders with regard to the operation and the upcoming major events. Michael Hartweg will remain a member of the board of directors of BAL AG after the sale of his shares, as will the president of the municipality of Lantsch/Lenz, which will continue to hold a stake in the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide AG. Michael and Carola Hartweg's commitment to their own Biathlon Foundation, which has existed for four years, will also continue. Thanks to the support of the already numerous benefactors, Swiss biathletes and arena infrastructure projects will continue to be financially supported in the future.

As the future owner, Swiss-Ski is keen to seamlessly continue the operational business of BAL AG and to press ahead with the development and organization of the upcoming major events in the Roland Arena. In mid-December 2023, a Biathlon World Cup will be held in Lenzerheide for the first time, and the following season the Roland Arena will be the venue for the Biathlon World Championships (10 to 23 February 2025).