26 November 2020

It's Nordic Time!

Old News
Langlaufen in Lenzerheide | © Sundroina Pictures
Langlaufen in Lenzerheide | © Johannes Fredheim
Langlaufen in Lenzerheide | © Sundroina Pictures
Langlaufen in Lenzerheide | © Johannes Fredheim

More kilometres of cross-country skiing tracks
In addition to the almost three kilometers of cross-country skiing tracks in the Biathlon Arena Lenzerheide in Lantsch/Lenz, additional kilometers of tracks along the Heidsee will be available from 27 November. Between the kiosk Canols and the parking La Riva, an approx. 1.4 km long cross-country skiing track will be prepared for both techniques, Classic and Skating. If you still need a cross-country skiing pass, you can get it online or directly on site.  

It's Nordic Time!
For a further expansion of the cross-country skiing track network we are dependent on more cold days and nights as well as active support from Mother Hulda. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the cross-country skiing region Lenzerheide. It's Nordic Time!