Mushroom half-days in the afternoon

Steinpilz | © Rosmarie Kuhn Steinpilz | © Rosmarie Kuhn

Mushroom picking in the wild, followed by tasting from the mushroom basket.

Experience exciting mushroom lessons with expert guidance! Collect and identify mushrooms, learn about their genus, prepare and cook edible mushrooms, exchange recipes.

Duration: until 6.00 pm
Cost: adults CHF 70.00, children CHF 30.00
Services: Organisation, course and accompaniment, Tasting from the mushroom basket
along: Basket, knife, possibly a mushroom book, (unfortunately dogs cannot be present)
Equipment: Weatherproof clothing and hiking boots
Registration: Required, online / Events
Remarks The excursion is for educational purposes and to get to know the mushroom world better.
Information & Registration Save to calendar
18 October 2024
13:45 o'clock

Rosmarie Kuhn
7078 Lenzerheide
Mobile +41 79 346 13 91