46. Heidsee Olympics

Heidseelauf Heidsee Olympiade Heidseelauf Heidsee Olympiade

On the weekend of 20. and 21. July 2024, the 46th Heidsee Olympics will take place in the Lenzerheide - the sports festival for the whole family!

Around the Lido at Lake Heidsee, the young Olympia participants will take part in various disciplines. Skill, speed and accuracy are required! The posts can be visited in any order.

Those who successfully complete six or more disciplines will receive a small reward at the end. The festival restaurant on the basketball court will provide refreshments.

The legendary Heidseelauf will take place from 2.50 pm. For children born up to 2016, the route runs along the small Heidsee lake (1.3 km) and from 2015 onwards around the large Heidsee lake (2.6 km). You can win great prizes at the prize-giving ceremony afterwards.

The Heidsee Olympics take place in all weathers and tickets can be purchased online or on site.

Many thanks to our sponsors, Ochsner Sport Blaesi / Graubündner Kantonalbank / Graubünden Sport for their support.
Tickets Save to calendar
19 July 2025 - 20 July 2025
10:00 o'clock
2x per Week
Lido "Lenzerheide lake"

Informationsbüro Lenzerheide
7078 Lenzerheide
Phone +41 81 385 57 00