Butcher's pie at the Berghotel Sartons

Küchenmetzgete im Berghotel Sartons | © Berghotel Sartons Küchenmetzgete im Berghotel Sartons | © Berghotel Sartons

It is already held for the 10th time and has become a legend.

The Sartonser-Küchen-Metzgete takes place in the kitchen and you can help yourself directly from the cooker and eat as much of everything as you like. On our buffet you will find:
Blood and liver sausages, roast pork sausages, ribs, bacon, ham, Schnörrli, Züngli, Schwänzli, Gnagi, Saucisson vaudois, Geschnetzelets, sauerkraut, dried beans, apple slices, boiled potatoes, Rösti and much more.
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26 October 2024
18:00 o'clock
4 Hours

Berghotel Sartons AG
Dominik Schäfer
Voa Sartons 74
7077 Valbella
Phone +41 81 384 11 93