Overnight Stays Statistics

Bed Occupancy in Arosa

The following statistics list the number of hotel bed nights in the region of Arosa for every season.
  • Arosa closes the tourism year 2023/24 with a decrease in overnight stays of 0.57% compared to the previous year (all accommodation providers).
  • The hotel industry is up 4.60% on the previous year, and holiday flats recorded a decline of 19.34%.
  • In the summer season - with the exception of May - the number of overnight stays (hotel industry only) was higher than the previous year's figures. From December onwards, the figures were higher - with the exception of February - than in the previous year, especially in January.
  • In a 5-year comparison (hotel industry only), the figures for the 2023/24 business year are 12.7% lower.
  • 69.82% of guests last year came from Switzerland. Followed by guests from Germany with 14.51% and and visitors from Benelux with 2.88%.

Key figures summer season 2023

  • Arosa closes with a slight increase in overnight stays of 1.9% compared to the previous year (all accommodation providers).
    The current figures are significantly higher than the number of overnight stays in the pre-coronavirus period: compared to the last summer before coronavirus (2019), a substantial increase of 29.2% was achieved.
  • The hotel industry recorded a pleasing increase of 12.3% compared to the previous year, while holiday flats lost 19.3%.
    In comparison with summer 2019, both the hotel industry (+6.5%) and holiday flats (+21.4%) recorded an increase.
  • In a 5-year summer comparison (hotel industry only), the figures for summer 2023 are 15.6% higher. Hotel occupancy was 74.1% of potential capacity (based on hotel rooms).
  • Almost 72% of guests last summer came from Switzerland. This was followed by guests from Germany with 9.5% and Israel with 5%. These were followed by England and the USA with 2% each.

Statistics all months

Statistics May 2023
Statistics June 2023
Statistics July 2023
Statistics August 2023
Statistics September 2023
Statistics October 2023

In the past two years, many Swiss people spent their summer holidays in their own country due to the Corona situation and the prevailing protective measures. Arosa benefited from these circumstances and was able to record extremely successful figures in the 2020 and 2021 summer seasons. The overnight stays for the 2022 summer season are now tending back towards the level before the two "Corona summers".

  • Arosa closes the tourism year 2022/23 with a decrease in overnight stays of  11.06% compared to the previous year (all accommodation providers).
  • The hotel industry is down 15.26% on the previous year, while the holiday flat is down 18.38%.
  • With the exception of January and February, overnight stays (hotels only) were down on the previous year's figures for the entire season. 
  • In a 5-year comparison (hotel industry only), the figures for the 2023/24 business year are 11.8% higher.
  • 69.46% of guests last year came from Switzerland. Followed by guests from Germany with 14.44% and and visitors from the UK with 2.64%.

Key figures summer season 2022

In the past two years, many Swiss people spent their summer holidays in their own country due to the Corona situation and the prevailing protective measures. Arosa benefited from these circumstances and was able to record extremely successful figures in the 2020 and 2021 summer seasons. The overnight stays for the 2022 summer season are now tending back towards the level before the two "Corona summers", which is why a comparison of the past season with summer 2019 is also drawn in the first two sections.

  • Arosa closes the summer of 2022 with a 16.6% decrease in overnight stays compared to the previous year (all accommodation providers).
    Compared to summer 2019, however, there is a significant increase of 26.03%.
  • In the hotel industry, the decline is somewhat higher, at 28%, while holiday flats are down 16.3%.
    Looking ahead to 2019, there is a moderate decline of 5.11% in the number of overnight stays in hotels, but an increase of 50% in holiday flats.
  • In the 5-year summer comparison (hotel industry only), the figures for summer 2022 are 14.4% lower. The occupancy rate of the hotels was 85.6% of the possible capacity (recalculated with hotel beds).
  • 75.9% of guests last summer came from Switzerland. Followed by guests from Germany with 10.78% and visitors from the United Kingdom with 1.73%.

Statistics all months

Statistics May 2022
Statistics June 2022
Statistics July 2022
Statistics August 2022
Statistics September 2022
Statistics October 2022

  • Arosa closes the tourism year 2021/22 with a pleasing increase in overnight stays of 37.7% compared to the previous year (all accommodation providers).
  • The hotel industry is up 20.9% on the previous year, and holiday flats are up 4.6%.
  • In the summer season - with the exception of June and August - the number of overnight stays (only hotels) was below the previous year's figures. From December onwards, the figures were significantly higher than in the previous year, especially in April with an increase of 119%.
  • In a 5-year comparison (hotel industry only), the figures for the 2021/22 business year are 38.5% higher.
  • 75.1% of guests last year came from Switzerland. Followed by guests from Germany with 14.2% and Dutch visitors with 2.2%.

Key figures Summer season 2021

  • Arosa closed with a significant increase in overnight stays of 19.06% compared to the previous year (all accommodation providers).
  • The hotel industry recorded a slight decrease of 1.97% compared to the previous year, but holiday flats increased by 19.15%.
  • In a 5-year summer comparison (hotel industry only), the figures for summer 2021 are 21.5% higher. Hotel occupancy was 51.8% of potential capacity (available beds).
  • 85.24% of guests last summer came from Switzerland. Followed by guests from Germany with 8.73% and Dutch visitors with 0.79%.

Statistics all months

Statistics June 2021
Statistics July 2021
Statistics August 2021
Statistics September 2021
Statistics October 2021